6 Weeks to Moving Day
6 Weeks to Moving Day
- Create a floor plan of your new home and plan the placement of furniture.
- Look at your furniture and arrange to sell items that will not be required in your new house. A garage sale might work well, or you could sell them on a website such as Gumtree.
- Plan your packing - either include it in your removal requirements with Aarons Removals or organise the delivery of boxes from Aarons Removals if you want to pack yourself. Make sure you use proper equipment such as tape, paper and marking pens.
2 Weeks to Moving Day
2 Weeks to Moving Day
- Check the garden and pot the plants that you want to take with you.
- Check the garage, shed and under the house.
- Hold a garage sale.
- Use up all frozen foods in the freezer, unless you’re moving locally.
- Dispose of garden chemicals, paints, fuel and other flammable and hazardous items.
- Burn off the gas from the BBQ or have the bottle purged at an approved provider.
- Make arrangements to have pets looked after for at least two days before you move. If you are moving interstate, book your pet transport through Aarons Removals.
- If required, make arrangements to have your entertainment surround sound system disconnected and flat panel TV removed from the wall.
- Start packing this week (if you’re doing it yourself)
- Label every carton by room. Keep a separate list of the contents for your own reference.
- Contact family, friends and businesses regarding your change of address.
- If any furniture needs to be dismantled before moving, begin to do this week. Put all bolts and screws and other small attachments to make up this furniture into a small self-sealing bag and tape to the base of the item, or, label clearly and place in one box that will contain all items of this kind.
- If you are driving your car any distance to the new address, have the vehicle checked.
- Arrange telephone, electricity, gas and water supplies for your new home.
- Return library books.
- If a boat or trailer is being included in the load, make sure all items within the boat are secured.
1 Week to Moving Day
1 Week to Moving Day
- Arrange with Australia Post to have all your mail redirected.
- Cancel any deliveries being made to your present home.
- Reconfirm travel arrangements for vehicles and care for your pets. Your pets may be becoming anxious when they see all the upheaval. Ensure they are enclosed at all times so they don’t disappear and cause unnecessary grief.
- Make a list of things to do on moving day.
- If you have a waterbed, make arrangements to have the bed prepared as per the manufacturer’s specifications. This may mean having a contractor come the day before you leave. Your removalist may also be able to assist you.
- If you have a wall mounted dryer, you may need to remove the bracket from the wall.
- If battery powered items are going into store, or overseas, remove all batteries.
- If you are taking special light fittings with you that need to be disconnected by an electrician, organise this now.
- Drain the fuel from your lawnmower.
- Establish cut off or final reading dates for electricity, water, phone, and gas.
- Collect any articles that are being repaired or have been loaned out.
- Dispose of any items that did not sell at the garage sale.
- If needed, make special arrangements for parking or access for the removalist to your home.
2 Days to Moving Day
2 Days to Moving Day
- Arrange finances for payments on moving day.
- If travelling by car check oil, water and tyres.
- Pack the things you’ll need immediately after moving.
- Collect dry cleaning.
- Do the laundry, fold and pack.
- Make sure that all jars, bottles and cans containing non-flammable liquids are tightly sealed and packed in waterproof containers or plastic bags.
- If you are keeping blinds or curtains, take these down and pack them.
- Finish your packing. Make sure all items are on your inventory and each box is numbered.
- Place things you wish to take with you in a separate area and let the removalist know.
1 Day to Moving Day
1 Day to Moving Day
- If you are having things professionally packed, this will happen today as per your instructions.
- Separate any items you have packed and will be taking with you and place in an area from which they will not be collected, such as your car if you are driving. This includes all jewellery, handbags, cameras and documents.
- Defrost and clean out your fridge and freezer. Wiping the inside surface with vanilla essence will prevent any build-up of mildew or nasty smells. Check with the manufacturer whether the fridge motor needs to be specially secured.
- Dispose of food items that are open and will go off if not unpacked within two days.
- Wash and dry all dishes ready for packing.
- Clean out your medicine cabinet and properly dispose of unwanted drugs
- Check all your drawers and remove items that are heavy, breakable or hold liquid.
- Prepare your washing machine according to the manufacturers specifications.
- Leave your forwarding address and contact number for the new owners/occupants of your house.
- If the house will be vacant for a while, notify the police and neighbours.
The Big Day!
The Big Day!
- When the removalist arrives, make sure they know where they can park their vehicles. It may be a good idea to park your cars overnight where the removal van will need to park so the position is available when they arrive.
- If you can’t be there, you will need to appoint an agent to act on your behalf. We cannot collect goods without a person present.
- Walk around the house with the removalist to show them exactly what you want done. Show them what you will want as soon as you arrive at the new house. They can pack these items last so they come off first.
- Pack yourself a survival kit with toiletries, tea, coffee, milk and other drinks, personal items, first aid kit, spare clothing, tea towels and other dish cleaning equipment.
- Make sure pets and children are kept out of the removalists way. It’s a good idea to have family or friends look after them for the day.
- Collect all house keys and try to keep out of the removalists way.
- Place all items that are being transported by yourself securely in your car boot or out of sight, locking all doors and keeping your keys in your pocket.
- If renting, keep keys in the car ready to be delivered to the agent as you leave.
- Make a final check of all cupboards, cabinets and storage areas to make sure nothing has been left behind.
- Make a final check in all sheds, and the garden area.
- Before the removalist leaves, walk around and check all areas. If moving interstate or your goods are going to storage, check and then sign the inventory.
- Turn off the power to the house, tighten all taps, make sure the gas and all electrical switches are turned off.
- Lock all doors and windows.
Your New House
Your New House
- If renting, conduct a walk through before delivering furniture, documenting the state of the house.
- Have the removalists place heavy furniture in the room and position where you want it. It may be difficult to rearrange heavy items once they have gone.
- If your goods are coming from storage, interstate or overseas, check the inventory carefully and sign off on it once satisfied all items on the list are accounted for.
- Locate all keys to your new house.
- If you are concerned about security, arrange to have all the locks changed.
- Check that the gas, power and telephone are connected.
- Turn on the hot water system.
- Ensure your pets will be safe while settling in.
- When appropriate, meet your immediate neighbours.